High frequency combined transport

System performance

Four performance criteria play a fundamental role in the determination of competitiveness

Number of loading units processed

RsR Cargo can handle 3400 to 4600 "boxes" per day, per lane and per direction.


RsR-Cargo Number of semi-trailers or containers
per train
Number of semi-trailers or containers
per day
For a 750m train 48 3456
For a 1000m train 64 4608
NB of trains in 24h 72 on one track on one track and for one direction of trafic
Equipment required in the terminals

Automated Guided Vehicles
(Their number depends on the local operations planned)


Train length

RsR Cargo natively offers long trains, as long as the railway infrastructure management allows.


General performance indicators Standard Top
Max train length Any length * Any length *
Max speed (km/h) 120 160

* This is made possible by the individual motorization of the railcars which run in modules of 4 cars linked together.

P400 compatibility

This gauge allows semi-trailers with a 4-meter height on the railway infrastructure.

The RsR Cargo wagon has a lift-and-lower system that allows it to securely position the trailer's tires at any height from the rail. This feature will allow it to transport semi-trailers up to 4.20 m high on many European lines once the rolling stock is approved.

Carrying capacity

The profile of the railway tracks has no effect on the carrying capacity of the RsR cargo trains (see natural obstacles). This is a very important productivity factor.


Ramp 750m RsR Cargo Train
0 0/00 2230 t
12 0/00 2230 t
20 0/00 2230 t
26 0/00 2230 t
30 0/00 2230 t
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