RsR Cargo Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) autonomously handle the horizontal transfer and movement of loading units between the unit parking area and the train.
It is limited to a 60 m long and 30 m deep « slab » corresponding to each module, including the trailer parking area. Each module has an AGV on one side
or both sides, depending on the volume of movernents in the interchange.
The intermediate hubs are composed of as many "slabs" as necessary. In the Origin and Destination Hubs, the configuration is complete to handle the
entire train.
IIt is the perfect complement to AGVs.
The "skeleton" wagon has been designed to ensure the best running performance so that RsR Cargo trains can fit without constraint into the regional passenger trains at peak hours.
Its design has taken into consideration the 4-meter high semi-trailer so that it can be transported on a large part of the European network without investing in infrastructure.
The search for economic performance in door-to-door delivery remains our credo. The objective is to offer a decarbonized transport service that is more competitive than road transport over medium distances, without public aid for its operation. The elimination of the effects of the load break is achieved by efficient automation of rail-road transhipments.
It offers maximum flexibility and efficiency, with in particular :
- eligibility reserved for RsR Cargo approved semi-trailers and all containers and swap bodies from 30 to 45 feet*.
- an individually distributed motorization, in its final version
- a system integrated into the wagon that makes rail-road transhipment very simple.
(*) 20' containers are only eligible with the help of a specific support called "praticable".
UAn RsR Cargo train consists of several modules with a driver's cab at each end in its motorized version. In this configuration there is no longer a locomotive.
Whether the railcars are pulled or not, the basic principle is that the train remains " dimensionally stable " and reversible, in order to eliminate any unnecessary rail maneuvering in the automated exchanges.
The linear distribution of loading units along the routes has become a prerequisite for achieving the European Commission's modal shift objectives.
We have not only integrated this modal shift objective, but also the need to maintain the performance of the supply chain.
Research* has highlighted the major impact of the volume represented by this modal shift objective by 2050.
Two imperatives emerge:
- To be able to transfer from road to rail up to 3,500 to 4,000 HGVs per day, per site and per direction,
- To space out the transshipment sites by about 300 km in order to reach the desired market share while avoiding the heavy road congestion that would result from the road flows generated by the exchange hubs on the local infrastructures.
(*) Axefret (2007) by Patrice Salini, conducted in France within the framework of the Predit program.
We then naturally turned to a "passenger" type of organization, which proved to be extremely rich in terms of efficiency and economic results.